Middletown Township Council's Republican Leadership has made Middletown Township one of the most desirable places to live in Southeastern Pennsylvania. Some of the reasons why?:
One of the lowest property tax rates in the area: the 6th lowest of 49 Municipalities in Delaware County with NO earned income tax percentage
No tax increases - in 23 of the past 24 years Middletown Township has not raised property taxes​​
Leadership in Open Space - Middletown is the #1 holder of municipally held open space in Delaware County. In total, Middletown is home to 728 acres of dedicated open space
Passive transportation leadership: Middletown was the first municipality to support the Chester Creek rails to trails and has developed it's own network of trail systems throughout the township. The township completed final design and is beginning construction of the Franklin Mint Trail connection between the new Wawa (Middletown) Train Station and the Chester Creek Rail Trail. Middletown also opened the Smedley Tract for trail use, launched the Link Middletown interactive map system available on the Township’s website.​
Public safety: Under Republican leadership, Middletown hired a full-time Public Safety Director/Fire Chief, increased the Township’s contribution to Middletown Fire Company and Rocky Run Fire Company by $50,000, is establishing a Volunteer Firefighter incentive program with an initial allocation of $40,000, secured a $50,000 FEMA SAFER recruitment and retention grant to assess the volunteer staffing levels at Middletown and Rocky Run Fire Companies and purchased replacement fire trucks for the township's two fire companies.
Fixing Traffic: Instead of waiting for PennDot - Middletown Council initiated and funded their own solution to the traffic at 452 and 1, engineering and negotiating a 'loop road' to reduce conditions ten years in advance of PennDot's planned start.​
Smart revitalization and renewal of the former Roosevelt School property. What was once a facility in decline, the 1921 building is now a community center and the new home of the Middletown Free Library and community park land.
Award winning planning and development in controlling urban sprawl. Former Councilman Scott Galloway received the prestigious 2019 Governor's Award for Local Government Excellence from Governor Tom Wolf.