Get to know
Bryan Messick
Middletown Township Council 3rd District
Bringing Non-Profit and Business Leadership to Middletown Council
I love our Middletown community and look forward to the opportunity to utilize my business background as a wealth and financial management advisor to further the long-term future of Middletown Township. As a member of Middletown Council, I will use my experience and knowledge to maintain the same fiscal discipline in township government that has resulted in 16 straight years of no tax increases.
If elected to Middletown Council, I will also bring with me a long record of non-profit leadership and business experience. I currently serve as President of the Rocky Run YMCA and on the Board of Directors of the Media Theatre. And I previously served as President of the Rotary Club of Media and the Media Business Authority. In addition, I have served as a board member of the Delaware County Estate Planning Commission since 2021 and have served as a coach with the Rose Tree Media Optimist Youth Lacrosse.
As a member of Council, I will work to preserve Middletown’s character and continuing to expand our township’s 728 acres of dedicated open space. At the same time, I will work toward the smart redevelopment of current business properties to more attractive and beneficial uses.
I am a graduate of Penncrest High School and my wife Kelly and I have two daughters.